CorrigendaClick (Corrections)
Only important scientific content errors are listed.

First printing (April 2017)

Corrections to print version only; the e-version is likely to be correct, depending on the date of purchase.

Page 143: Figure 2.8. The low temperature residual resistivity value shown is 7x10-5 nΩ m. This should be 4x10-4 nΩ m. The ρ vs T behavior curves at a higher ρR.

Page 230: The wavelength 0.0367 nm in Fig. 3.14(b) and 0.0357 nm in the caption should be 0.0123 nm. 

Page 245: Equation [3.37], delete the term "(2me/h2)" before "α"

Page 252: Photo on bottom right corner of page, caption should read "An STM image of a silicon crystal surface".

Page 514: Question 5.15, Figure 5.56."Ga should have 3 electrons and As should have 5 electrons". (This is correct in the 3rd Edition)

Page 555: Last sentence. Vr-1/2 should be Vr-1/3

Page 556: Equation 6.30, next equation and p557, the equation starting with “slope =”, should have Nd in the denominator. All calculations and conclusions are correct. (A typographic error only.)

Page 816: "decreases" in line 3 below Fig. 8.46 should be "increases" and "increases" in the next line should be "decreases".